About Us

YourThings is an initiative to provide smart-home device owners with insights about the functionality and security of their devices. We evaluated over 50 devices spanning several categories such as home assitants, media devices, appliances, home security, and cameras. We also provide our data and scoring methodology to device vendors and welcome any collobration. If you are intrested in a device evaluation, get in touch with us and we will purchase and evaluate the device of interest.

Team Members

Our team members are made up of professors, research scientists, and graduate students with in-depth knowledge about system and network security. Their diverse industrial and academic backgrounds provides a unique opportunity to address some of the security gaps found in modern smart-home devices. Member profiles can be found at Astrolavos Lab Webpage

Contact Us

We can be reached at contact@yourthings.info for additional device evaluation, device sponsorship, and other questions or concerns

Additional Evaluations

If you are contacting us for additional device evaluation please include the following information:

  1. Device Manufacturer
  2. Device Model
  3. Device Website URL (if available) - specification
  4. Explaination or some context about your interest in this specific device.
Device Sponsorship

If you would like to sponsor a device for evaluation please include the following information in your email:

  1. A point of contact (Name, phone number, email, and affilation).
  2. Specification of the device and physical dimensions.
  3. Short description of the device (URL if available, retail price, device purpose).

Note we are limited to IP devices only, which means your device must communicate over IP networks. Devices that use only low-energy protocols such as Bluetooth, ZigBee, or ZWave currently cannot be evaluated in our lab.

Please contact us before shipping any devices to our lab. Our mailing address is the following:

ATTN: Astrolavos Lab
266 Ferst Dr NW
Atlanta, GA 30332